Incorporating oral history into education is a critical step to improve the ways in which we recover, preserve, and teach the widest range of histories.
Reflections from an Ancestors unKnown research volunteer In 2024, Ancestors unKnown recruited research volunteers to help Ancestors unKnown, Nederland students in Amsterdam find new details about [...]
Looking for something to get your family history research project started? Try the Ancestors unKnown Family Tree Template. It's a traditional approach to gathering details about the people who [...]
"Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it." - Sojourner Truth
Carry Truth's words with this sturdy Ancestors unKnown mug.
"Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it." - Sojourner Truth
Carry Truth's words with this large Ancestors unKnown tote bag.