Donate to Ancestors unKnown
Ancestors unKnown introduces new audiences to identity development, family history research, and other untold histories.
And we rely on your support to benefit more young people in schools and beyond.
Make a donation today to make a difference in a young person’s life!
Where do your contributions go?
Sponsor a School
Many schools that would benefit from the Ancestors unKnown programme are unable to afford the full cost. With your support, we can sudsidise costs to bring family history research and untold history lessons to the young people who need them the most.
Expand the Curriculum Library
Ancestors unKnown is developing an extensive Curriculum Library for schools in the UK, the Netherlands, Suriname, the United States, and beyond.
A portion of the Ancestors unKnown Curriculum Library will be available to schools for FREE.
The rest of the Curriculum Library and all other Ancestors unKnown services, including workshops, family history research projects, and pupil workbooks, will be affordable and accessible to all schools.

Want your donation to benefit a specific location or program area? Contact us to let us know if your donation is in honour of a specific ancestor or special occasion. We’d love to acknowledge the special tribute.
Looking for another way to get involved? Click here for more ideas.